Houston Foreclosure Lawyers and Attorneys

Houston Foreclosure Lawyers

Houston foreclosure lawyers can help property owners avoid foreclosure on their properties. Each State has their own Foreclosure Law. Are you facing foreclosure? It is best to consult Houston foreclosure attorneys as soon as possible to protect your property.

Foreclosure is a process in which property owners who fall behind on their mortgage payments may have their property taken away by the bank/lender.  Furthermore, the outcome of foreclosure proceedings will depend on individual circumstances.  However, most people prefer to avoid the foreclosure process entirely.

If you have been through the foreclosure process, you may end up with a lower credit score.   You may also have to wait a few years until you can purchase a new property.   Your lawyer can consult with you on the steps you can take to help you stay out of court.  Furthermore, you may consider contacting your loan servicer; asking for a reinstatement; getting a loan modification; or even selling your home.

In Texas, lenders may foreclose on deeds of trusts or mortgages in default.   Also, this process may involve judicial or non-judicial foreclosure.

Houston Foreclosure Lawyers Explain Judicial Foreclosure

Foreclosure involves filing a lawsuit to obtain a court order to foreclose on a property in Texas. It is used when no power of sale is present in the mortgage or deed of trust. Furthermore, after the court declares a foreclosure, the property will be auctioned off to the highest bidder.

Houston Foreclosure Attorneys Explain Non-Judicial Foreclosure

A “power of sale” is the wording in a deed of trust or mortgage, that allows the borrower to pre-authorize the sale of the property.  Moreover, the purpose is to pay off the balance on the loan in the event of their default.

A trustee is someone that has the right to execute the power of sale for the lender.

Contact Houston Foreclosure Lawyers Today for Peace of Mind

If you need legal assistance from Houston Judicial Foreclosure Lawyers or Houston Non-Judicial Foreclosure Lawyers, fill out our form on this page or call or text us. Request a confidential and free consultation by contacting us today and getting attorney referrals. One of our savvy Houston foreclosure attorneys will be in touch with you soon.

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